Saving money is something we’d all like to do. The issue most often is that we don’t know how to save.

Many of us are used to spending a certain way. Breaking old habits can be hard, but it’s not impossible.

How to Outsmart the Supermarkets & Save Big

Saving money is something we’d all like to do. The issue most often is that we don’t know how to save.

Many of us are used to spending a certain way. Breaking old habits can be hard, but it’s not impossible.

1. Only shop with cash
Shopping with cash forces you to make decisions and stick to a budget. When you feel like you can get anything you want because you’re using a credit card, it is easy to overspend. Consider how much you normally spend on groceries. If you’d like to start spending less, bring less cash with you. You’ll learn how to buy more things on sale and not pick up everything that you see.

2. Make a shopping list
Whether you are shopping for groceries or clothes a list will come in handy. Shopping to pass time away only leads to spending money needlessly. Before each shopping trip make a list of exactly what you are shopping for. It will keep you focused on what you need. It also helps if you know where the items you’re looking for are located in the store. If you shop at the same stores regularly you probably know it well. Use that to your advantage. The less wandering you do, the less you’ll spend.

3. Shop alone
It doesn’t sound like fun, but shopping alone is important. It’s easy to be influenced by our friends, spouses and even children. Your friend thinks something looks wonderful on you and say you must buy it, so you do. Your child won’t stop begging for a toy at the checkout counter, so you give in and buy it. To avoid the voices of other’s in your ears, shop by yourself so that you can buy only what you and your family needs.

Saving money is possible. You just need to form new money habits. Once you do, you’ll see your savings grow.
