Your FREE SA Property Report!

(sample pages only, full reports average around 20 pages)

This detailed individual property profile report is filled with valuable information about the property and its surrounding area. Where available, this report contains previous reported sales for the selected property and surrounding area, an area profile, area snapshot and area activity, cadastral map, aerial photo and property photo where available, capital growth graph (Past 10 Years) and percentage change in median price (Past 5 Years).

If you’re thinking about purchasing, refinancing or investing in a particular property (property must be located in South Australia), all you need to do is make an appointment with one of our consultants to discuss your home loan needs or have a home loan health check and the report is all yours for FREE! To take advantage of this offer, fill in the address of the property, along with your details, and we’ll hand deliver the report to you when we visit!

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I’d like to receive a free property profile report for this address, simply by making an appointment for my home loan health check or new loan enquiry:

Free Report

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You’ll have your own personal broker who will:

  • Come and visit you at a time that suits you
  • Listen to what you want from a home loan
  • Find the best deals in the marketplace for your circumstances
  • Present you with a choice of options
  • Tailor a home loan that suits your needs
  • Manage formal mortgage application paperwork for you
  • Update you on the status of your application
  • Will happily answer any home loan queries you may have
  • Keep you informed of the latest interest rate and industry developments because we believe that keeping you informed helps save you money!

Your broker will offer you a guiding hand in the right direction by giving clear explanations of the various home loan options – without the jargon.

Check out our handy home loan calculators to see what you can afford to borrow and a whole lot more…

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